Loving Yourself Is Key
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!! For us singles, today is all about loving ourselves! Before last year, I never knew how much loving yourself was so important. Years prior, I tried to impress and make people like/love me. I wanted to be accepted by everyone, when all along I should have been accepting myself and loving me. It wasn't until last year I found out what truly loving yourself means. And this blog today is to inspire and encourage others to do the same. So let's get to it! As previous blogs have stated, last year was one of the toughest years of my life. I went through a break-up that literally turned my life completely around. I grew spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. But looking back, one of the lessons that stood out is me learning to love and accept myself. I always recycled this habit of allowing people to come into my life, show me different, but also turn out exactly the same in the end, which was leaving me high and dry, lonely, and broken. I knew there...